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Can You Test Clear?

Posted by admin on July 22, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Drug testing is conducted for many reasons. Some companies send potential employees for drug testing prior to employing them, athletes are tested for drugs when they are competing and parents may send their children for drug testing to find out if they are indulging in any drugs. Drug testing can be carried out in a number of ways. Drugs can be detected in the blood, urine, saliva, sweat, and hair. Traces of drugs or toxins left behind is present in any one of these areas of the body. Depending on the type of drugs being taken, the evidence of it can linger on for days and even weeks.


TestClear is an online drug testing company that helps you prepare for drug tests. They sell products that help you to detox before a test. They also sell drug tests similar to the ones that will be used when you are getting tested by these larger companies. Test clear offers comprehensive solutions for those who want to find out whether they will pass a drug test or not, prior to actually going for the supervised test.

TestClear Products Explained

TestClear offers a variety of ways to assist you when it comes to drug testing. One of the most popular ways of testing is via urine. If you are going for a urine test, you can choose to use dehydrated or powdered urine. The urine actually comes in a small bag and this kit includes a test vial and heater strip. All you then need to do is mix the powdered urine inside the bottle with water and heat it up to body temperature with the heater strip. So this is all it takes to have human urine, 100% free of toxins.

Detoxification is another option if you are skeptical about the powdered urine. What you should do is purchase the detoxification drink, commonly referred to as Ready Clean Detoxify. The drink then gives you a window period of four hours. During this time, all toxins are removed from your body and if you conduct a drug test within these four hours, you will pass. This applies to drug testing via urine, hair, and blood.

There are many companies that require you to go for drug testing using a strand of your hair. There are special shampoos that can help you pass a drug test. Nexxus Aloe Rid and shampoo clean are two products that are designed to get the toxins out of your hair. These products or shampoos are designed to break down the hair shafts while washing to eliminate any toxins that are present.

There are many companies that insist on their employees being tested for weed. This is especially true if you are going to be fulfilling a role that involves dealing directly with people, driving or handling dangerous machinery. Depending on the role that you will be filling the number of times that you will be tested varies. Many companies also carry out spot checks. This basically means that you can be called out without any prior warning and tested. It can happen at any time and without being notified in advance.

It is important to know that weed stays in your system for at least 6 weeks. So if you are going to be tested, stay away from it for at least 40 days to be on the safe side. Urine is usually used when testing for weed. Any drug you take doesn’t remain the same once it gets into your bloodstream. It is actually broken down into smaller units. When you smoke weed, you will have THC in your system, however, once it is processed by the liver, it turns into THC-COOH. Now THC-COOH stays in your system for much longer than THC. Different companies have different passing requirements. While some may accept 100ml, others accept 20ml. So it all depends on the company that you are going to be working for, your role in the company and of course their discretion.

The test clear review website has amazing reviews of the products and programs offered by Test Clear. So if you would like to know more about the products, visit the test clear review website today.


Beating Drug Tests In 2017

Posted by admin on July 22, 2017 in Uncategorized |

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Shopping For And Using A Synthetic Urine Kit

Posted by admin on July 22, 2017 in Uncategorized |

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Posted by admin on July 22, 2017 in Uncategorized |

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Posted by admin on February 26, 2017 in Uncategorized |

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