Shopping For And Using A Synthetic Urine Kit

Posted by admin on July 22, 2017 in Uncategorized |

Whether you’re looking for work or are already gainfully employed, being able to pass a drug test could be an important part of establishing and maintaining your livelihood. In certain industries and positions, companies are required to conduct routine, mandatory drug testing. As a matter of protecting their own interests, many businesses also perform drug testing as part of their normal hiring procedures. If you like to indulge recreationally, you will need to have a solid strategy for ensuring successful results. This is especially true if testing is random and must be completed before you can return to your post.

Cleaning Your System Out

With urine testing, you may have the ability to rid your system of all drugs and drug residues ahead of your actual testing date. This is especially true if you have one or more weeks for these efforts. Eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water or cranberry juice, and exercising regularly are just a few of the many strategies that can be employed to this end. There are also special cleansing products that can expedite this process. One of the most important things to note about natural cleanses, however, is that they are less effective when attempting to rid the system of marijuana. Marijuana and many of its components are fat soluble. This means that they are placed by the body into its fat stores. This is why it takes a lot longer for people to naturally clear marijuana out of their systems.

Using Products To Alter Test Results

You may be able to drink special beverages or take a specific supplement just hours before your test in order to alter the results. With marijuana, some people use zinc to ensure that they do not test positive. There are even formulas that are manufactured specifically for these purposes that can be added to the urine immediately after it has been released. One vital thing to note is that many drug testing companies are well aware of these strategies. As such, they often look for signs of excess zinc in the urine, or evidence of flushing the body with fluids. Not only do you want your urine sample to be absolutely drug-free, but you also want your urine to be chemically identical to a natural, healthy urine sample that shows no evidence of having been tampered with, whether internally or externally.

Investing In A Fake Urine Kit For Last-Minute Help

When there is sufficient ability to do so, it is generally best to bring a fake urine kit to the testing facility to bypass the challenges of short-term abstinence and cleansing your body and to avoid the risks associated with any efforts to trick the testing procedure. With fake urine, it’s possible to present a healthy, clean urine sample that professionals at the testing facility will not be suspicious of. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind when using any type of fake urine product.

Urine Temperatures

One effort that’s made on the part of testing labs to prevent cheating and trickery is to analyze the temperature of the samples that have been submitted. In fact, this is the very first thing that they will do. This is to ensure that people are not collecting samples from their family members or friends and then presenting these on the day of testing. A good fake urine kit will, therefore, have a component for keeping the sample warmed to the appropriate temperature.

Patient-Specific Factors

There are also a few patient-specific factors that are checked at the time of testing. For instance, if you are a male, then you certainly don’t want to submit a urine sample that you have collected from a pregnant, female friend. Chemical differences between genders and other factors like these will be checked and dealt with. When ordering a fake urine kit, you’ll, therefore, need to find one that is specific to your own, unique needs.

Disbursing Your Fake Urine

Another important thing to remember when purchasing your fake urine kit is the method of disbursement. If there are people within the testing facility who will be standing by as your produce your sample, you do not want these individuals to see you removing a bag of urine that’s been taped to your leg. This makes it important to secure a fake urine kit that has a natural-looking prosthesis that can be used when producing your sample.

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